Nimbus Technologies has been incorporated in 2003 by 3 technocrats with vast experience in Automation & Data Acquisition Systems. Promoters have 15 to 20 years experience in the Industry in Distribution & Execution of Industrial Data Acquisition Systems , PLC based Automation solutions and Communication system.
Nimbus Technologies is a reputed Distributors of various reputed International Brands for Industrial Computers, Data Acquisition products, Transmitters , Signal Conditioners, PID Controllers, GSM , GPRS modem, Data Logger, RFID Based solution, Short range Wireless Products & various other Industrial Products.
We have vast experience in Supply, Installation & Commissioning of all the above at various sites in India. We can provide you best solution for your Industrial Automation Solutions and provide excellent after sales service. We have executed many SCADA projects for Industrial Plant automation, Defense projects, Pharmaceuticals clean room application, Auto Mobile industry, Petro chemical Industry etc. We have also diversified in to Industrial & Domestic Security System to cater to all the security solution needed with a very high quality products.